Thursday, 15 February 2024

The end can be the beginning!

 Jan 31st 2024

I like this! 

I have just completed a ten week Level 2 Counselling Concepts at College, where I have sat with students half my age! This was our final leaving thought on the whiteboard. 

It did feel like the END but I was pleased that most students had a plan for their future..

Yes, after being fifty years away, I have returned to a classroom! My school days held not so good memories & my reports always read "Barbara could do better if she cared" or "Barbara needs to listen more "

However, I am always wanting to achieve more out of life, (especially at 65), & this course has been great!

After looking at my 'moving forward' personal development, I noticed that through each 'storm' in my life ; chemo, divorce, debt, I have always tried to help others who are going through the same.

After this course, I now want to aim to be a Motivational Speaker..yes, it's big & yes, I have already had the comments "the market is flooded with those!" & "where are you going to start with that ?", but hey, as always, I have the attitude, if it works out, great & if not, that's great, too! At least I have tried.

Many times, we regret having taken a certain 'path' over the years, but I really do not believe there are 'wrong' paths, just ones that give us experience;

the job offer that we regretted accepting, the house we wish we had never bought, the holiday that was a nightmare  - the list is endless!!

However, as there is nothing we can now do with our past choices, all of the above (& more ) are to be treated as 'lessons' & there is always a chance & opportunity to begin a new chapter.

My college crew!

I am looking forward to my next 'chapter' 🙂 
I want to continue my theme of helping others & create some opportunities for Motivational speaking! 

The end CAN be the BEGINNING!



  1. You have been through so much Babs . through bad times and Good . But you never give up. With Gods help and Prayers you made it through the other side. And you have done so well. You should be so proud of proud of what you have accomplished and achieved.
    On would,s and upwards.
    well done Babs .

    1. Thanks! Unfortunately I can't see who comments unless they leave a name, but appreciate all ! Thanks for reading..


My final.say...

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