Sunday, 12 May 2024

"At your age?"

If you are following my blogs, you will remember that my last one finished 'I am pursuing motivational speaking'

No, I have not become the next Steven Bartlett or Mel Robbins, but after my last blog, I have completed 20 hours' training for a radio show at All FM 96.9!

At first, I thought the idea a little OTT. After all, I wasn't an avid radio-listener & with  potentially  17k  people listening to my voice, this sounded a little scary!

I have been grateful for the opportunity to meet new people & share my experience through training & been offered my own show 'Our Best Life' starting soon!

                                                              My radio trainees!

Many times, we hold back from trying new things because of what others may think! ( I love this meme below)

On numerous occasions lately, I have had the comment "Why are you doing that at your age?" My reply is always the same, "Why not?"

After having worked through some issues, I am now intent on continuing to do what I want to do , whilst I have time, good health & energy!

I have realised from speaking to people, there is so much more we can give! I believe everyone has a 'story' & whether some parts of it may be not what we expected, unhappy & quite challenging, we may help ONE person by just sharing it.

On checking the stats for this blog, I can't believe how many read my journey (globally!!!); through chemo, after chemo & what's going on in my life NOW!

For me, as  'doors' of opportunity open, I believe they need to be pushed. If the 'door' doesn't happen to be the right one, that's fine too, at least I have tried!

I remember wanting to read a certain book as I thought I had missed out whilst at school.

I borrowed the said book from someone & only managed the first chapter! It was such hard-reading & not my 'cup of tea' at all!!

The idea of radio training didn't fill me with excitement at first, but after week one, I knew this was something I would love to do.

Just go for it, ( whatever 'it' may be for you ), regardless of age. Use your 'story' & experiences, try new things, places, hobbies, sports, social clubs, churches...👍

For me, asking myself a list of questions helps ;

'Why can't I do this?' ( maybe I can find someone to help me ?)

 Who/ what is stopping me?

How much do I really want this?

 Is this going to bring positivity/ help me create the life I really WANT?

Will this help & empower others?

( We ALWAYS feel better when we help others!!)

I look forward to presenting my first show, who knows where this will lead ?!

Like me, you are capable of so much more & by taking small steps towards it, you CAN make it happen!!"

Keep positive & go for it  (regardless of your age!)



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