Thursday, 30 June 2022

Managing mental health through chemo

 30th June 2022

As I check my Facebook 'memories' this week, I see comments and photos from one year ago ; the start  of my journey, which, little did I know would mean finishing with a course of chemotheraphy!

It was interesting that, before each treatment, the assessment with the nurse included the question, "how are you coping mentally?"

I think I took this a little for granted, as I had a good husband, family and friends around me, but thinking about this, I can see how and why patients going through Chemo find it difficult to cope mentally and suffer low mood, depression, anxiety etc

From the onset, I was offered help if needed for any mental health issues as well as physical issues.

Macmillan offer all patients six sessions of mental health councelling  if needed, which is so good!

Thinking back to my treatment days, here are the main reasons I managed to keep good mental health and stay positive. I trust this helps you, too, if you are at this stage right now

😀Be kind to yourself

In the early days, I was constantly thinking of what I should be doing, rather than sitting/ lying in bed ! This is not the time to be 'beating yourself up'  because you have no energy to run to the shops, wash dishes, iron, hoover , do any household chores...there will be plenty of time after treatment when you are well to resume all of the above!


This was quite a change for me as  I was previously in a routine of running twice a week, pilates, school runs, generally active lifestyle and suddenly, I have no energy to even walk half way down my road!

Do as much as you can, even a stroll makes you feel so much better.

I chose different locations, too,  a short  drive followed by a stroll in the country was ideal and I was quick to let my hubby know when I was getting tired!

😀Find a new Hobby 

This was the ideal time for me to find a new interest, something that I had never done before !

The book, pictured above, was a great gift from my family as it contained  thought-provoking Wordsearches and questions to complete, with a 'gratitude' theme throughout.

I spent many hours in the hospital filling these in and later decided to begin Blogging. With help from a lovely friend, I set up a blog through BLOGGER, which helped me think of the positive side of this along with helping others who are going through Chemo, too!

Maybe if you enjoy art, you could begin drawing, painting and frame the piece at the finish of your treatment ?  This painting was on the wall in the Laurel Suite ! How nice!? I heard of a lady who began knitting during Chemo, and she made a blanket as a reminder of that time..

😀Continue Daily routine

This was quite important for me, as I love routine and organisation!

I endeavored to get up, shower and  dress at the same time as usual, even though often, I went back to bed if feeling fatigued. I ate meals at the same time, too, although these were much smaller portion sizes as I felt nauseous most of the time!

😀Talk to people!

I loved chatting to family and friends and although most days I didn't feel like it, I always replied to texts & phone calls.

I remember a good church friend bringing me some soup ( which I really enjoyed!) and another friend bringing me a freshly-baked sourdough loaf , at 8 a.m - perfect breakfast time!

One day however, a lady from church asked me what I needed that particular day, to which  I replied "company"

I felt as if I wanted a chat and as it happened, it was a lovely day, so we sat and chatted in our garden, which was lovely!

People are genuinely interested in how you feel, I felt sometimes as if all I could chat about was my treatment, but soon found out that my friends were concerned and wanted to see me through it all and  interested   in my recovery. Connection and communication is the key!

😀Eat healthily

The feelings of sickness and 'loo trips' make it difficult to focus on food, but I think by eating healthily, it aided my recovery.

Occasionally, I did have cake ( the hospital always advise patients to eat what they fancy!) and gained one stone in weight through lack of exercise, but I knew I could tackle this issue at a later date.

😀Think of the BIG picture!

This was the most important for me ! Focussing on the future, rather than what I was having to endure there and then, really helped me get through those long, boring, feeling lifeless days!

Thoughts of  'I won't always feel like this' and ' I can resume Pilates, running, normal life' really soon, really DID help me!

Our mental health is so important and this week we have had the sad news of Deborah James, who has passed away with bowel cancer, despite treatment,

I am thrilled that she worked so hard to make others aware of this type of cancer.

My daughter set up an online self help mental health resource six years ago and I am so proud of all her achievements over the years!

If you feel you need help with stress, anxiety, low mood or any other mental health issue, take a look at :


At present, she is asking for 22 people to give just £2 per month ( less than one cup of coffee!) to her amazing charity.

If you would like to be one of the 22, please click on the link below.  This will financially help keep their work in schools to thrive !  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I love to read your Blogs and particularly how you describe your journey and reflect on what it all means to you. You’re a true inspiration and I love ant to say from the bottom of my heart- you’re an inspiration to me and I will be eternally grateful for our friendship. Thank you for arriving when I needed you.
    Sharon x


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