Monday, 28 February 2022

'Nothing compares to you'

 28th February 2022

As I scroll through my 2021 Facebook Memories, I notice a photo from the same day last year, my hubby and I running a 5k, all in aid of The Lily Jo Project, an online mental health self-help resource the lily jo project

                                                               Chorlton Water Park - 28/2/21

Today, I have been instructed to drink a litre of water for a different reason - a  CT scan.

My first thoughts were "I wish I was doing that today rather than going to hospital!"

Fortunately, I did not dwell on these thoughts and whilst walking through the hospital it felt like I was really coming to the end of a 10 k run!

Feelings and thoughts of "I can't wait to finish this now" and "almost there, just keep pressing on to the finish!" kept coming to mind as I tried to guess how many times I had entered those hospital doors over the past four months..

It would be easy to compare how I feel today with how I felt on this day last year, but thankfully, I know I am in a different 'season' right now and my time for running will return very soon ( although I have recently began running 1k, albeit, slowly but it feels like I am slowly getting back to 'normal')

If I never ran a 5k or 10k ever again, I can still run for fun..

How often do we make comparisons with others?

 ๐Ÿ˜’I wish I had her good looks

๐Ÿ˜’I wish my house was like theirs

๐Ÿ˜’Their children are so talented!

๐Ÿ˜’They earn far more than me!

๐Ÿ˜’I wish my family were like hers

....and so on .

However, we are all at a different 'stage' on our journey, and I believe someone, somewhere wants what you have, whether it's any of the above or something else. We have no idea of the 'behind the scenes' problems of our friends and others with whom we are comparing. They are probably wanting to be more like you in some way, if truth be known!

After six treatments, the Oncologist requested a CT scan then if all was well, a visit to Christies to remove my 'port' ( not looking forward to this, but hey, will take one step at a time)

I am finally, and hopefully near the end of My Chemo Journey - which has been hard, but I am astounded at the number of people who have read these blogs and been encouraged. Stepping Hill hospital has, for me, won numerous accolades in the past six months.

I am continuing my journey, although I am not quite at the 'finishing line', I am ALMOST there!๐Ÿ‘

I hope you can continue in your own 'journey' - we are all unique - keep celebrating the gifts and positives you have in your life ( regardless of how small!)

                    I love these two quotes - 

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