Friday, 28 January 2022

Treatment Six - January 20th


As you can see from the dates, it's been a while since my last blog.

Two days after Treatment number six ,I had no energy or enthusiasm whatsoever for anything.

I am feeling like another person right now ; struggling to face my food, permanently ensconced on the sofa falling asleep, continually nauseaus, severe pins and needles feeling in my fingers and hands, (preventing me to touch anything remotely cold or hold a knife and fork), being unable to drink or eat anything cold (my throat 'stings' after this), barely having the energy to walk to the kitchen for a drink, and copious trips to the loo are all making me feel quite exasperated!

I have been thinking about 'seasons'  and feel frustrated that I am in a season of Winter, where nothing much happens, apart from dark nights and cold days! 

After chatting with a good, positive friend (I have lots of positive- thinking people around me, which is a blessing!), I realise I need to embrace this season and although it feels like winter, one day soon, just like the natural seasons, the spring will arrive, bringing buds on flowers, leaves on trees and hope for warmer weather.

Thinking more about this, we all 'choose' our seasons to suit our activities and lifestyle. Who thinks of going sledging in Summer when there is no snow?!

My season of running 5k, making holiday plans, cycling days, taking the grandchildren out, coffee with friends etc will soon arrive but my 'goal' at this present time (I love setting goals!)   has to be concentrating on my health and body.

Through my season, I will continue to keep positive and know there is always opportunity in ANY season to help others (I have had three invites to share my story and thoughts with a women's magazine and two bowel cancer charities!)

I am sure I will look back on this season and be thankful I endured all those horrid days of feeling so ill and having opportunity to help others.

I now face six more treatments of ONE drug only (rather than three) so I am hoping for less severe side effects from now on.

We will see.....



  1. Babs you are an inspiration. People care and love you because of the person you are. Keep positive. Love mo. Xx

    1. Aww thank you!
      I love encouraging others


My final.say...

  2 0th February 2025     -                 My final Say.... This week, I have been shocked, but grateful to notice that my chemo blogs have...