Friday, 10 December 2021

Not 'JUST' a run....

AN 'IN-BETWEENER' -  9th December 2021

 I thought I would share a few thoughts from today.

I am currently on hold from chemo treatment, as I had a heart monitor fitted this week for 24 hours. I recorded all my movements as instructed and although this was quite intrusive, I know the Doctors are making sure the current chemo is suitable (I have experienced palpitations each time I have had chemo and apparently, this can be quite detrimental)

Going forward, they may need to reduce or change the treatment but until then, I will be grateful for this time feeling ‘normal’, rather than feeling tired, sick, no appetite (a few of the side effects I have had)

This morning, feeling quite fit (and a little bored!) I had the urge to go for a short run. ( although when I say this, I mean a slow jog!)

This will be my first for many months and I intended to keep it short and sweet, so I set my goal for 1k.


I managed this okay and although my Runkeeper app failed me and stopped working after 0.60 , I was certain from my tracker, I had done 1k ( or maybe a little more)

I returned home and declare to my hubby, “I just did 1k”

I then decided , as part of my cool down stretches, to include a 30 second plank. I was used to doing these in Pilates classes and as a group, we were increasing to 4 minutes before I had my operation in July.

Once again, I felt rather proud of myself although thoughts of “I used to run 5k before my op with no problems, here I am doing only 1k!)

I thought about the word, “just”

How many times do we use this word. I personally don’t like this word as it suggests “only”, “barely, by very small margin’,

The dictionary states;

“The word JUST diminishes the content that follows this word. It is a “protector” word ,a word that softens what you want to achieve. When you say “I’m just following up on my email…” you are downplaying the importance of your email and why you are reaching out. You are softening your request for a response.”


I celebrate my small ‘win’ of 1k and 30 second plank today even though, a few months ago this amount would have been so easy for me.

Here’s the moral of the story ;

Goals and achievements are all relative, and I want to encourage you to forget the word “just”!

Keep celebrating your own small wins, no matter how small they seem to the ones in your past  or other people.


Today, I felt just as proud of my 1k that I did with my 10k!



  1. Very good point Babs! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Very good point Babs! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Thanks Ruth ! Small wins are important !

  3. You’re right Babs. On some days our 100% is less than other days, but that’s ok. Xx


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