Wednesday 29 December 2021

My End of Year Thoughts

 December 29th -  

It's almost the end of 2021 and I thought I would finish the year with a final blog.

The photo here is how I feel right now ; pretty glad the year is over! This photo was taken after running a 5k for the first time and I was glad it was done, but at the same time quite pleased with myself! 

After my last chemo, I had issues with my pump as the clip on the drip was closed, which was not allowing the drug to be administered through the introvenus as required. I spent three days waiting for the pump to reduce as it should ( it usually takes 48 hrs) and each time the district nurse called, it still hadn't reduced!

Today, I began the day feeling as though I have missed out on a normal Christmas and now I have the usual side effects ; fatigue, nausea and lack of appetite.

However, I decided I was going to finish the year on a positive note , so I grabbed my diary, and began going through all the good, positive events that this year has brought.

I had clearly forgotten some events and after creating a list, I  felt so much better ;

😀  Made a promotional video for my new book, 'Through the valley'  ( this was so much fun!)

😀  Enjoyed two weekends on holiday in Wales and Derbyshire

😀  Started blogging ( with thanks to a friend .)

😀  Had a major bowel operation to remove a cancerous polyp ( and recovered   mega fast!)

😀  Ran 10 k at Tatton Park with 'RunThrough events'

😀  Enjoyed a special birthday weekend at a spa hotel with my family

😀  Had constant support from hubby, family and friends throughout the year ( priceless!)

So, my year has been pretty good! I have achieved things I have never would have thought possible  (especially the 10k run!)

                                                                The Mynd - Shropshire

You may feel your 2021 has been more 'valleys' than mountains, but can I encourage you to think about those positives ( no matter how small) and enter into 2022 STRONG!💪 

I have no idea how many more sessions of chemo I will need and no idea what 2022 will have in store for me, but I have survived this so far and know God will take me all the way!



  1. Amazing blog. Keep jogging through the door. Thanks for letting us know

    1. Thank you !
      No odea what is behind the 22 door but hey...

  2. Wow- Babs, you are a true shining light. I love this way of gaining perspective on your year. Xx


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