Friday, 24 December 2021

Treatment Four - Final chemo of 21!


December 23rd

Well, it's my last treatment of 2021 today and Laurel Suite has a few festive pictures around!

There were only three of us in the ward receiving treatment today )I think other patients are avoiding side effects over this period !)

I keep a journal and as I look back at the first comment of January 2021 I read;

"No idea what this diary will be filled with this year, sadness, joy, disappointments, loss, but I do know God is with me and I keep Hebrews 12 v 2 in my mind, Look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith"

I doubt if I had known what this year was to bring, I would have doubted I could deal with it. I have never had a major operation before, or spent time in hospital, apart from having two babies . None of us know what the year, month, week or day will entail ( and it's a good thing we don't know!)

                                                                  My mum, aged 25

Today is my mum's birthday, she would have been 96. she passed away in 2006 (on my birthday!) aged 80 and at the same time I had just found out that my ex was having an affair after 26 years of marriage. This was a horrid year and I couldn't wait to see the end of it! If you would have told me what 2006 had in store, I probably would have hibernated for the year...

However, with God's help and great family and friends , I got through this.

You can read my story in my book which is available via facebook link below;

 Through The Valley | Facebook

Many people who have been through a similar experience have been helped by this book. If no one encountered trials, financial problems; sickness, family problems etc, how would we be able to help others?

As a result of my past experiences, I have chosen to 'cross my bridges as I come to them'  

I love this phrase and after all, there really is no point in worrying over problems that may never happen. The earliest recorded use of this phrase is in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's 'The Golden Legend'(1851) and was a proverb meaning 'not to anticipate trouble ' which many of us do.

Right now, as we approach 2022, I am thinking , 

Will I need another three months of chemo ? 

How will I know my body is clear of cancer?

How many more hours will I need to be sitting in this ward?

I don't know any of these answers and it's really no use worrying about it yet, I will cross that bridge when I come to it! 

One of the patients had the joy of ringing the "end of treatment' bell today, a really good finish to the year for him and his family and he received a huge applause from us all. He practically ran out of the ward with joy!

Sometime soon, this will be my experience and something I can look forward to.

 One of the patients in the ward always brigs this bag along with her. makes me chuckle every time, as YES we all have problems and your 2022 could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it.

I, personally am glad 2021 has given me this opportunity to go through a major op to remove a polyp, followed by chemo so I can hopefully help others with my blogs.

I hope you can Cross all your 2022 bridges as and when you come to them, there really is no point in worrying in advance!

" Worry is like a rocking chair, you put so much effort in, but it gets you nowhere"

- Joyce Meyer



  1. Babs, you're very inspiring. When others moan about very minor things, you maintain a positive mindset during something bigger issues, and its uplifting.

    1. Thanks!! Appreciate your comment & I am definitely determined to keep positive throughout !


My final.say...

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