Monday, 9 May 2022


 May 2022

I have intentionally refrained from blogs since my last treatment, for the simple reason, I felt I didn't have anything to say! 

After sitting down and thinking about it, I realised there has been quite a lot going on mentally and physically and it was probably worth a share.

I feel as though I am now back into 'normal' life and I am feeling very well and fit once again, so much so, I started running and re-joined my Pilates class.

I had a few 'goals' after treatment and although I did not intend putting pressure on myself, my aim is to achieve the following;

1. 👉 Lose one stone in weight (I have gained this due to lack of exercise over the past six months)

2. 👉 Run 5k  (I have had no energy to do any running during treatment!)

3. 👉 Resume my activities and hobbies ( Puppetry, Church activities, Nana duties with the            grandchildren!)

I decided that by using small 'baby steps' for each of the above, I could achieve my goals.

To date, I have lost 3lbs in weight, reducing my food intake and cutting biscuits, cakes, having smaller portion sizes

I have ran 2k , increasing my time by one minute or so on each run

I have resumed all my hobbies and activities ,( although this one was probably the easiest of the three!)

Post treatment, I have been reading a book, 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear, and I have decided to put his method into practice by making it easier for me to attain these goals ( I recommend the book!)

'Goals' are great, but sometimes too much to handle and the end result can seem too far away, too much to think about or too overwhelming.

James Clear stresses that by placing smaller goals and making the process easier for ourselves, all can be achieved.

So, with that in mind, on my delegated run day, I get up and immediately get dressed into my gym wear, lest I am distracted  with other things!

By having this plan, and organisation in my life, it is far easier than 'ad-hoc' exercise. Running 5k right now seems impossible, but I know one day, I will do this,.,

I have used the same method for my weight loss - Biscuits and cakes are not on my shopping list, so I can't see them in the tin when I make my coffee! By focussing on ONE pound at a time, it makes it doable.

This is not easy, but these small changes are helping me so much.

My good friend suggested a Park run last weekend, and I must admit, my first thoughts were a little negative ; " It's too soon for that ", "It's a bit too early for me on a Saturday", "I need to travel a few miles in the car.."

However,  I remembered the book, and by starting something like this, I knew it would help me in the long term ( and also I could be my friend's accountability partner, too)

I enjoyed the morning with 400 runners, (I decided on a smaller goal - just once around the course 2.5k) and I was one of the last to finish but hey, it didn't matter at all - I had done it, and it was  all worthwhile. 

Baby steps, all the  way! 

                                                                   Bramhall Park


  1. Babs, you are the best accountability partner ever! Thank you for being so amazing! I honestly do love you like family xx

    1. Thank you, Sharon ! You encourage me so much !

  2. Babs, everything you write is encouraging and inspiring! Don’t stop!! I’m glad you’re sharing as it encourages me it’s all doeable just make that start!

    1. Thank you ! Glad it encourages you ..I aim to continue sharing my thoughts on copious topics !


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