Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Do Not Disturb!

 May 21st 2022

I have been fortunate to have spent three days in Settle, Yorkshire for our twelfth wedding anniversary.💏

What a beautiful place for walking and taking in such beautiful countryside.

After chemo, I am so grateful that I can now walk so far and even cycle a twelve mile route.( with rests ..)   😂

We have done a few walks and seen plenty of sheep along the way , which reminded me of my book 'Through the Valley.' I wrote this during 2020 lockdown. It is my story through divorce in 2006; how I coped with the financial issues, forgiveness, anger  -all the issues that divorce often brings.

Included in my story was the beautiful Psalm 23 which meant so much to me when my mum passed away ( at the same time as my divorce)

Through The Valley | Facebook

As a Christian, the verse "You are with me" became so real during this time and on my walk today I see these sheep grazing in "green pastures", also mentioned in the Psalm.

Interestingly, the meaning of Pasture means 'land used for grazing' -  'pastures of tender grass', suitable for animals, especially cattle and sheep -  

(I think David  the shepherd boy knew what he was talking about when he wrote this..)🐑🐑🐑

On entering the gate, the sheep ( some with their lambs) scurry off , trying to get away from us, probably tired of walkers invading their fields, day in, day out and disturbing their peace on their special land!

These two, however,  were determined to stay 'put' and not be moved.😂

They had a choice; follow the crowd and run away or stay where they were, relaxed and happy!

These sheep reminded me how so many times, as we plod along peacefully  with our day, our minds can be 'invaded' with thoughts that are far from peaceful and we allow negative words to take over. (our lovely pasture..)  Have you ever received many compliments, then suddenly, one negative comment is made by someone?  Do you remember all the positive ones, or is your mind now concentrating on the ONE negative one? 

Here are a few negative thoughts I have had 'walking through and invading' my head in the past 

😬 1.  I am not clever enough

😬 2. I can't imagine ever being able to do that

😬 3. I should do better than I am doing...

😬 4. I just can't do it!

😬 5. What if it doesn't work out?

These are only a few, but I can imagine that you too can relate to these? !

Here are my suggestions/ answers to the above negative thoughts;

👍               1. Yes, you probably have limitations but you CAN do some things well!

👍               2. You will never know until you try!

👍              3. Who sets the standard on the word "should" anyway ? Do what you can, and do not                                  compare yourself to others                  

👍              4. Maybe someone could help you? ( see also number 2's reply!)

👍              5. What if it does ? 

As a Christian, my life is not always 'rosy' and peaceful. (if you read my book, you will  know what I mean!) However, I have chosen to keep my mind on the positive and not let it be invaded by all the rubbish that often comes from MSM  posts and comments !

As we come to this small stream along our walk, I can only hear the sound of the birds - it is so peaceful!

Again, Psalm 23 -  'He leads us beside STILL waters' - Jesus Himself spoke of  having HIS PEACE through all life's troubles. I am glad I can pray this into all situations  that I face.

As much as possible,  like those sheep, I will aim to keep those 'invaders' out of my mind and remain positive, and peaceful , just like the sheep by the wall !

If you are interested in a copy of my book, please inbox me through Facebook

All proceeds to the lily jo project project  - an online self- help mental health resource.

Monday, 9 May 2022


 May 2022

I have intentionally refrained from blogs since my last treatment, for the simple reason, I felt I didn't have anything to say! 

After sitting down and thinking about it, I realised there has been quite a lot going on mentally and physically and it was probably worth a share.

I feel as though I am now back into 'normal' life and I am feeling very well and fit once again, so much so, I started running and re-joined my Pilates class.

I had a few 'goals' after treatment and although I did not intend putting pressure on myself, my aim is to achieve the following;

1. 👉 Lose one stone in weight (I have gained this due to lack of exercise over the past six months)

2. 👉 Run 5k  (I have had no energy to do any running during treatment!)

3. 👉 Resume my activities and hobbies ( Puppetry, Church activities, Nana duties with the            grandchildren!)

I decided that by using small 'baby steps' for each of the above, I could achieve my goals.

To date, I have lost 3lbs in weight, reducing my food intake and cutting biscuits, cakes, having smaller portion sizes

I have ran 2k , increasing my time by one minute or so on each run

I have resumed all my hobbies and activities ,( although this one was probably the easiest of the three!)

Post treatment, I have been reading a book, 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear, and I have decided to put his method into practice by making it easier for me to attain these goals ( I recommend the book!)

'Goals' are great, but sometimes too much to handle and the end result can seem too far away, too much to think about or too overwhelming.

James Clear stresses that by placing smaller goals and making the process easier for ourselves, all can be achieved.

So, with that in mind, on my delegated run day, I get up and immediately get dressed into my gym wear, lest I am distracted  with other things!

By having this plan, and organisation in my life, it is far easier than 'ad-hoc' exercise. Running 5k right now seems impossible, but I know one day, I will do this,.,

I have used the same method for my weight loss - Biscuits and cakes are not on my shopping list, so I can't see them in the tin when I make my coffee! By focussing on ONE pound at a time, it makes it doable.

This is not easy, but these small changes are helping me so much.

My good friend suggested a Park run last weekend, and I must admit, my first thoughts were a little negative ; " It's too soon for that ", "It's a bit too early for me on a Saturday", "I need to travel a few miles in the car.."

However,  I remembered the book, and by starting something like this, I knew it would help me in the long term ( and also I could be my friend's accountability partner, too)

I enjoyed the morning with 400 runners, (I decided on a smaller goal - just once around the course 2.5k) and I was one of the last to finish but hey, it didn't matter at all - I had done it, and it was  all worthwhile. 

Baby steps, all the  way! 

                                                                   Bramhall Park

My final.say...

  2 0th February 2025     -                 My final Say.... This week, I have been shocked, but grateful to notice that my chemo blogs have...