Sunday, 13 August 2023

Beach thoughts

 Thurs 10th August 2023

This past week, I have spent a few days in Anglesey, where there are copious beautiful beaches, walks and water sports!🌞

This particular beach had a great strip of water on this particular day, for young children to paddle in, & I noticed that adults, too were happy to use it for their enjoyment!

This strip of water was only a few inches deep, but sufficient for  a dinghy or surf board. It was lovely to watch adults playing with children,  enjoying the fun!

The sea, on the other hand was full of serious surf boarders, jet skis, windsurfers, paddleboarders, some of whom had lots of experience in watersports!

Maybe some of the shallow water folks were too scared to venture into the vast, deep sea because of many reasons;

                                       πŸ˜•   Unable to swim

                                       πŸ˜•  Wanting to please others ( children, friends etc)

                                       πŸ˜•    Never been in the sea before

                                                                       πŸ˜‚  Watched 'Jaws' too many times!

πŸ˜ƒOr, maybe they were simply content in the shallow water ?

Whatever their reasons, I see this just like life- people are fearful of 'dipping their toes in' lest anything goes wrong.

Have you ever had someone suggest something to you that sounds too crazy to believe it could ever happen?

I loved this Bible verse today, too ! 

'How we think determines our life!'

I have read, and love reading 'Inspirational-type  books written by several authors;'  Steven Bartlett, Susan Jeffers, Hal Elrod, James Clear, Joyce Meyer, but before all these authors wrote and spoke about this, it was here first in the Bible  circa 1050 B.C! ( who knew?)!

There is nothing WRONG with staying in that shallow water and enjoying ourselves, but I believe so many people miss opportunities that life throws at them because of the reasons mentioned above ; pleasing others, fearful, happy in their 'comfort zones'  This all comes down to CHOICE

How do we know if we have the ability to do or achieve something unless we give it a try.? Some of the ones in the shallow water today will never know what they can achieve in the vast sea because they never tried.

For me, I don't intend just dipping my toes and remaining in that shallow, small bit of water! I believe there are many more opportunities ahead to experience & it's my choice if I take them or not. Sea is like Life - vast and deep!

It's interesting that 'Self prophecy' is a 'thing' and  we BECOME what we TELL ourselves.

I am currently reading 'Miracle Morning' (Hal Elrod) and he gives a great example of  'self prophecy' - why people struggle to get out of bed each day - the main reason being

                                        "I am too tired"

Yes, we have all said it - but in reality, we are starting the day with a negative comment and our brain will tell our body "you will struggle to do anything today because you are too tired, you need more sleep" (Hal Elrod did an experiment , setting his alarm one  hour longer each day, yet at the end of the week, he still felt tired on waking!)

Going back to the people in the shallow water - maybe they need a push into the sea ( I don't mean a physical one!) someone to encourage them, or even join them ...

I would never in my wildest dreams have thought that I was capable of writing two books, running 10k, creating a company with 75 clients, selling the company and managing to get up early twice per week to meet a running 'buddy'! These were ALL achieved with help and encouragement from family and friends 

Think about the things you would love to do with your life and list the reasons  you COULD make them happen, then actually MAKE IT HAPPEN!

At 64, I have more opportunities and experiences ahead and whatever your age, so have you!

As this blog is Chemo-related, I better add a few sentences about my thoughts after chemo ;

My Oncology nurse rings me every few months, and one of her questions last time was

"How is your mental health, and do you think differently after your treatment?"

I must say, since treatment, I am more determined to look after by body as best as I can and take as many opportunities and experiences that come my way. Life is short and we all have friends, family, colleagues that are willing and able to help us achieve as much as possibleπŸ‘

Launch into that deep sea!


My final.say...

  2 0th February 2025     -                 My final Say.... This week, I have been shocked, but grateful to notice that my chemo blogs have...