Sunday May 28th 2023
This was not my usual Sunday morning, but I must admit, I learned a lot , hence this blog ( which, this time is nothing to do with Chemo!)
As I am currently reading a book by Steven Bartlett, (I love biographies, especially the 'rags to riches' type !), my conversation with 'Paul' seemed really good timing.
We approached 'Paul' in Stockport town Centre who was typically homeless, sat on a corner with a sleeping bag covering him & a pair of crutches alongside.
He looked much older than his 61 years but immediately he was willing to chat & I asked him if he minded telling us his 'story'
It sounded familiar ;'Fallen out with his family, bad choices, been a bit of a 'rogue' and now, health issues after years of poor living..
He was just a normal guy who had allowed his 'bad choices' to consume him.
He finished his 'story' by saying "that's just me, it's just the way it is"
Immediately I knew he had placed a 'label' on himself ( as people often do!)
My previous chapter in 'Happy Sexy Millionaire' was all about 'labels' ; trying to be like others, earning as much money as your friends, looking good, 'keeping up with the Jones' etc so I was ready with my reply, and questions for him ..( all in a nice way, of course)👍
"Is this really how you want to spend the rest of your life?
Sixty one ( his age) isn't young, but it's not old either and I reminded him that he still has time to achieve something.
Parents, friends, colleagues can tell us "we are hopeless, we'll never be clever, we'll never make anything of our lives" etc and Steven Bartlett's story ( and so many others, too) are proof that this is UNTRUE!
Further into the conversation ( I was glad that I had a friend and church member alongside me, who was also adding positive input)
My next question to 'Paul' ; "What small step can you take right now to make your life better?"
He very quickly replied " I want to get my leg sorted out"
I suggested he made a visit to A& E the very next day ( he promised he would go)
Although he didn't know it, he had just made the POSITIVE decision that could turn him in the right direction.
So often, we settle for our 'label' and think there is nothing we can do about it
😢Too old
😢Not clever enough
😢No good education
😢No positive friends around us
😢Made poor choices in the past
"could have, would have, should have" etc . . 😏
I have now put some positive labels on myself over the years, instead of using the excuses listed above;
💪Runner ( yes, I AM a runner, although I can't run as fast as Mo Farah, I regularly run therefore I am a 'runner'!)
💪Author ( Yes, I have written two books, maybe not as famous as Agatha Christie yet, but I am still an 'author' )
💪Successful business Owner ( Yes, not quite Sir Alan Sugar, but I have built a business and sold it!)
I gave 'Paul' his two choices ; 1/ remain sitting here on the streets forever or 2/ Take one small step in a positive direction to improve his situation and take each small step from there.
The bad news regarding his leg that he has received in the past, may not be as bad as he thinks ..
His family's reaction to him may not be anything as bad as he expects .....
We walked away, after thanking him for allowing us to chat and pray for him, both 'over the moon' that we hade tried to make just ONE person's day (or maybe LIFE) better.
He told us we had made him feel so much better so, JOB DONE!!
Get rid of your negative labels!👎 Take a first small step...
This is the Peace Bridge - DERRY
Peace to you all !🌟🌟🌟
I am off to finish my book📘