Monday, 2 January 2023

Good year or Bad year?

 January 2nd 2023

I have decided that as it is a really nice bright, sunny day, I will go for my first run of the year!

Today is easy ! I look out of my window at this blue sky and all the other runners passing my window and I don't have a problem feeling enthusiastic about the next half hour out there.

However, I think of the year ahead and not all my running hours will be spent in the nice sun. There will be times when, like 2022, it is raining and  I won't feel like venturing out - getting my feet wet and soggy after running through the puddles, having the rain soaking through your clothing is definitely not very inviting!

I thought about the year ahead, and just as there won't always be nice 'sunny' days, I will have 'storms' too.

Throughout a year, we can experience;

😢financial issues



😢Family problems

to name a few...

There are always times where we don't feel enthusiastic about life in general.

I look back to my 'Good years' and 'bad years' ( yes, we always talk about these kinds of years, don't we ?)

I can honesty say though, my 'bad years' always taught me something. I managed to turn them around into something I could learn from them.

I recall 1976 - a 'Bad year' - dating for the first time, to a boy who  let me down badly ( at 17 years old, this was pretty major!)

2006 - also  a 'Bad year' - My mum died on my birthday and at the same time, I discovered my ex husband was having an affair!

2021 - 'another bad year' - going through a major op to remove a polyp which was later found as cancerous, resulting in six months' chemo.. 

Through these experiences, I learned so much and managed to turn them into a positive experience with the help of others around me, and my Christian faith. I wrote a book, sharing my story about this

So, I now have no qualms about facing 2023, I believe I won't be alone with whatever I face - God will be with me through the sunny days and the rainy days ( whatever that means) and as I read John chapter 15, I know that I am connected to 'The Vine' (Jesus calls Himself this)  and I can't think of a better way to begin the year than having this assurance. I can keep Him in control of my 2023 and He will give me strength to go through it.

I read my blog from the beginning of last year when I was still on chemo, and I am so grateful that, even through that time of feeling so ill, I have learned to appreciate small things ; enjoying my Christmas dinner, getting together with family and friends last week, walking ( things I could not do in 2021)

Happy New year all, and  thank you for reading my blogs over the past months! Your encouraging comments have spurred me on to keep writing !



My final.say...

  2 0th February 2025     -                 My final Say.... This week, I have been shocked, but grateful to notice that my chemo blogs have...