Friday, 8 April 2022

The Top of the Steps!

April 8th 2022 


Today was a  really early start for me but I didn't mind the 6.30 a.m alarm call in the least! My visit to Christies hospital was going to be a good one and I couldn't wait to get there!
I have waited for this day for the past six months and must admit, I never thought it would arrive...

I was eager to  get this over and done with and after the usual bloods and general health checks on my arrival, I enter the same room where I had the port inserted (190 days ago, so the Doctor informed me) - 

The friendly Doctor talked me through the procedure ;local anaesthetic, three stitches and a dressing to be left on for seven days. The procedure was painless and we both kept 'chatty' throughout!

After fifteen minutes, I was all done and felt so good! Finally all the months of treatments were over and I felt as happy as  I was when I reached the top of these steps in this photo, whilst training for a 10k run in June last year. There are 200 steps in one of our local parks, regularly used  by fitness trainers, and I found them  tedious, but well worthwhile in my training. I thought I would never have the strength to reach the top!

Many times, we forget that all our trials and problems will end, we see the ONE step in front of us, but never raise our head to see the FINAL
step! Today, I feel like I  am at the top looking down at the past six months and all I have endured.

My journey has helped many others to keep positive through their personal trials and problems and I will continue to share my story for as long as I can.

Today is a lovely sunny day . As I leave the hospital, these tulips border the entrance and remind me that it is Spring!

 I remember the days that felt dull, dark and miserable,  exacerbated by fatigue, nausea, not having strength to go for a walk,  and loss of appetite .( a definite Winter season!)

More importantly, I remember the days I received text messages of encouragement, phone calls, visits & gifts from friends and family ,all of  which  helped me through those times.

Like Spring, a new season awaits me personally. I have no idea what that will be, but with God's direction, my aim is to continue to keep positive and use my experience of the past six months to help and understand others.

 I love this quote from this lady who pretty much changed my thought life many years ago!
There is always a purpose in our 'journey' whether good or not so good..

Thank you for reading my blogs, please feel free to comment - 🎉

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